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High Holy Days 5785 | 2024 Childcare and Camp Registration

Please make sure to sign in to your existing ShulCloud account before completing this registration if you are a member of Shir Tikvah or have a previously set up account, to accurately pair your registration and payment. Thank you!

We look forward to this High Holy Days season with your family!

Shir Tikvah offers childcare and camp (formerly "youth programming") during the community-wide services on Erev Rosh HaShanah, Rosh HaShanah, Kol Nidrei, and Yom Kippur. We look after and engage children while their parents/guardians are in services.

Childcare is for children ages 2 - 4 years old. During Childcare, children are babysat and engaged in provided activities. Snacks are provided during childcare.

Camp is for children ages 5 - 11 years old. During Camp, children are supervised and guided through provided activities. Snacks and lunch are provided during camp.

Parents/Guardians are required to provide their cell phone numbers, and to answer calls or text messages during the service.

Please complete one form per child. Childcare and camp are $36 per opportunity; this helps ensure we provide a safe, fun, and meaningful experience for our community's youngest. No one will be turned away due to finances -- please email for reduced cost options. Thank you!

Please select all enrollments for this child. As a reminder, childcare is for children ages 2 - 4 years old and camp is for children ages 5 - 11 years old.
By giving my electronic signature, I:
  • understand that my child is expected to contribute to a safe and holy community by treating themselves, others, and physical property with ​kavod​ (respect), and that as their parent/guardian, I am responsible for supporting and enforcing this respectful behavior in partnership with the Youth and Family Education leadership and faculty. Should this become a challenge for my child, I agree to meet with Youth and Family Education leadership to ensure that my child strives to make positive choices for themselves and others.
  • give my child permission to attend all Shir Tikvah Youth and Family Education High Holy Days experiences. I hereby release and hold harmless Shir Tikvah, and their respective employees, of and from any and all present and future claims of any kind or nature arising from my child’s attendance at Shir Tikvah’s Youth and Family Education High Holy Days experiences and their participation in any of its activities onsite or offsite, or use of its facilities.
  • understand that my child must remain within sight and under the supervision of the appropriate Shir Tikvah employee and must remain on Shir Tikvah grounds from the time they arrive to the end of any and all scheduled Youth and Family Education High Holy Days experiences, unless they are part of an authorized, chaperoned activity, in which case I/we give permission for my child to leave the grounds during scheduled Youth and Family Education High Holy Days experiences as long as they are within sight and under the supervision of the appropriate Shir Tikvah employee.
  • give Shir Tikvah permission to photograph or videotape my child in any form of media and presentation of Youth and Family Education experiences, and to reproduce and use such images in any advertising, presentations, or publications of Youth and Family Education experiences to the community. I understand that if I do not check this box, my child may be asked to step out of photo opportunities.
  • understand that Shir Tikvah is not responsible for my child before or after Youth and Family Education experiences and that it is my responsibility as their parent/guardian to drop off and pick up my child promptly.
  • understand that, in the case of an emergency, if necessary, the appropriate parties will be in contact with my family in a timely manner.
Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784